Enthuse Your Employees: Benefit from Ambassadors for Your Company

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By Pilar Albo Maroto

If you want something to happen, you have to make people able and you have to make them want to.” Dr. Steve Kerr (Former Chief Learning Officer of General Electric and Goldman Sachs)

Having loyal employees is not everything. In previous articles we discussed the importance of retaining talent in our organization, yet we need to be aware that the work with our professionals does not end there; we must go a step further: enthuse them so they fall in love with their company.

As Stephen Covey, an American educator, author, businessman, and keynote speaker said, “Treat your employees exactly as you want them to treat your best clients.” Considering your collaborators as simple producers of work is an obsolete thought that provokes discontent, lack of motivation and consequently affects their productivity. Certainly, the objective of companies is to charm their clients, but this task is impossible without a team that actively defends the company, its values and its products or services. So, when we talk about enthusing or delighting your employee, we are referring to the ability companies must have to generate a strong, positive link between their organization and the employee. It’s possible to achieve this by using tools and processes that provide professionals in-depth knowledge of their company, enabling them to understand what it represents and what it can bring them at work and emotionally.

It should be noted that when talking about enticing our employees we are focusing on the fourth and final phase of the Inbound Talent series, called Inbound Delight, which sets the guidelines for transforming your professional into your brand ambassador. Moreover, the importance of having delighted employees is that these are more likely to praise the virtues of your company and behave impeccably, which motivates other colleagues to act positively, and thus become active advocates of their brand.


Benefits of employees delighted with your company:

  • Act as corporate influencers. They promote marketing actions and are the voice of your company’s values and culture.
  • Defend the products / services. They share their opinions on social networks, bringing great credibility to the market about the products or services offered by your company.
  • Represent your organization’s interests. They your organization’s values both inside and outside it, as well as provide greater visibility, recognition and credibility towards your company.
  • Raise the level of engagement. By being more motivated and happier, they increase productivity and the quality of the products / services offered by your organization.


On this basis, be reminded that other than your customers, the best defenders of your company are your employees, since they know how it works from the inside. So, if you want to obtain more benefits and improve productivity in your company, it is absolutely crucial to know how to enthuse them and get the most out of their skills. For if your professionals do not feel passionately about their work, how are you going to delight your customers?


If you want more information, don’t miss our new ebook: Inbound Delight: enthuse your employees to become the best brand ambassadors.


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